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Stay Fresh: Spring-Cleaning Essentials Checklist

Stay Fresh: Spring-Cleaning Essentials Checklist

It’s that time of year again where the birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and the sun is shining. There is something about the spring air that inspires us to take on new projects and dedicate time to deep cleaning our homes.

While you are tackling your household projects and enjoying the fresh start, keep up on all the essentials with our spring-cleaning checklist:

  1. Reorganize your bathroom countertop— Start the season with something new. After a thorough clean, switch up your routine by changing the way your countertop space is set up.
  2. Clean out your fridge—Still have those three-week old leftovers? It’s time to toss nonessential or expired items and wipe down the inside and outside of your refrigerator.
  3. Brush up on your dental hygiene practices—Did you know the American Dental Association recommends changing your toothbrush or brush head every 90 days? Spring is the perfect season to improve your healthy oral care routines.
  4. Declutter the garage—Do you have a hard time letting go of things? The garage can quickly become a storage unit before you know it. Consider donating or recycling old items that have been stored in your garage for years.
  5. Wipe walls, ceilings and other hard to reach places—These areas are often missed and pushed to the back of cleaning routines. For the pesky, hard to reach areas of your mouth, try Plackers® Micro Mint® Flossers.

Clean house, clean mouth. That’s how the saying goes, right? Share your tidy homes and spotless smiles with us on Instagram @plackersdental.

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